
  • А.К. Khusanov Andijan State University,Uzbekistan
  • М. А. Abduvalieva
  • J.A. Nizomov
  • А.А. Yaxyoyev


microplastics, fish, Karadarya, ecology, nylon nets, microshup.


Rivers are considered the main routes for the transport of microplastics to marine and lake ecosystems, and the absorption of microplastics by freshwater biota creates a risk associated with microplastic pollution, but there is practically no research on the ecology of microplastics in freshwater ecosystems. The uptake of microplastics by fish probably depends on the amount of microplastics in the environment and aspects of fish ecology, but these relationships are rarely taken into account. We measured the amount and composition of microplastics in fish and surface waters of the main tributaries. Microplastics were found in fish and surface waters at all sites. Future research should focus on understanding the movement of microplastics from point and scattered sources into aquatic ecosystems, which will contribute to efforts to combat pollution of inland waters.


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