
  • Э.Б. Шакарбоев Institute of Zoology of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Dirofilaria, nematode, extensiveness and intensity of invasion, host, mosquitoes, Uzbekistan.


The research work was carried out during 2017-2024 in different areas of the Fergana Valley and Karakalpakstan. A total of 273 predatory mammals were examined using the method of complete and partial helminthological dissection. In order to identify dirofilaria in disease-carrying species, 4607 female blood-sucking mosquitoes were caught. As a result of the studies, two species of dirofilaria were found in representatives of predatory mammals of the Fergana Valley and Karakalpakstan: D. immitis and D. repens. Original data on the spread of dirofilaria among predatory mammals are presented. It was found that domestic dogs, foxes and jackals have a higher level of infection with nematodes than other examined animals. The collected material on the carriers of nematodes of the genus Dirofilaria, the level of their infection and the factors influencing the development of invasion were also analyzed.


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