
  • Nurzat Totubaeva
  • Rakhat Abdykadyrova
  • Zhiide Tokpaeva
  • Akjol Akjigit Uulu


aerobic bacteria, phytotoxicity, adaptation, soil biological activity, toxic compounds.


In high mountain places, soil pollution has long-term effects, since natural self-purification is time-consuming because of the low temperatures. It is widely known that the process of petroleum product degradation in natural conditions has a biogeochemical nature, with a pivotal role played by the activity of a complex of specific microorganisms that facilitate complete pollutant mineralization. Due to this fact, the most effective environmental clean-up methods for oil pollution involve microbiological approaches, which essentially entail introducing active strains of hydrocarbon-degrading organisms into the ecosystem. The article aims to investigate the effectiveness of bioremediation methods for soil contaminated with petroleum products, focusing on heavy metals in particular. This paper examined changes in heavy metals in soil that had been contaminated by oil derivatives, both before and after treatment. The Kumtor's, is 4000 meters above sea level, and soils were examined for their As, Pb, Cu, Cr, and Ni levels. In addition, contaminated soil was treated in the warm season by bioaugmentation. A comparative analysis of heavy metal content in high-altitude soils has been conducted before and after bioremediation processes. The practical significance of the obtained results lies in their applicability in the development of effective techniques for cleaning soil from heavy metals, particularly in mountainous terrain.


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